Based on the belief that statistical techniques can be used to extract all the relevant information needed to make accurate forecasts, systematic investing removes the influence of emotion.
Systematic investing uses advanced technology to gather and analyse large volumes of company data to identify mispriced assets and investment opportunities. While economic intuition informs the basis of an investment idea, decisions on portfolio construction, implementation, and risk management are systematic, backed by research, and empirically validated. This helps to ensure a repeatable, consistent, and sustainable approach over market cycles.
Based on the belief that statistical techniques can be used to extract all the relevant information needed to make accurate forecasts, systematic investing removes the influence of emotion.
An evidence-driven decision-making process focuses on different factors and signals that we believe drive share prices.
Our systematic process allows us to build portfolios that address and meet multiple objectives.
Our scientific approach to funds management is driven by systematic techniques and rigorous research. We believe an investment process that applies the best of human thinking and computational power will deliver superior long-term investment returns. This strong combination of systematic and fundamental insights underpins Acadian’s proven investment process.
We start with economic intuition and the insights of a talented, experienced, and diverse team embracing the open-minded pursuit of new ideas.
Our extensive data repository, continually supplemented by an active alternative data scouting effort, provides an unparalleled resource for examining new investment ideas.
Data, computational power, and economic insight help us illuminate investment trends, historical relationships, and the expected drivers of future returns. Decisions on portfolio construction, implementation, and risk management are backed by research and empirically validated.
Acadian’s approach fosters transparency and trust. Our systematic process is straightforward to explain. This enhances the ability of our clients, many of whom invest on behalf of others, to understand our strategies and approach.
We clearly and regularly communicate to investors the rationale behind our investment decisions and point to solid, irrefutable evidence and logic. Our superior attribution tools help us identify and articulate the drivers of performance through all market cycles.