Multi-Asset Investing

We're building on over 30 years of experience in systematic, multi-factor investing and risk assessment to provide clients with sources of absolute, uncorrelated return across a wide range of asset classes.

MACS Background

Acadian MAARS: Distinguishing Features

Acadian’s Multi-Asset Absolute Return Strategy (MAARS) is a systematic global macro strategy designed to generate absolute returns regardless of market conditions. A defining tenet of the underlying investment philosophy is that the challenge of delivering on that objective – finding and extracting truly diverse sources of return and constructing portfolios that can endure severe market stress – requires a sophisticated investment process and ongoing commitment to its continual enhancement. It is unrealistic to expect simple and static approaches to deliver enduring alpha.

Quick Takes

Recent insights on the market environment.

Acadian’s Director of Client Advisory, Seth Weingram sat down with our lead commodities PM, Mike Ponikiewicz, to discuss environmental and other ESG themes in the context of systematic macro investing.

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We examine the historic price action in crude oil as well as discuss the current supply and demand imbalances and our outlook for how we believe this event may impact trading behavior going forward.

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We discuss the tension between recent central bank easing, the dramatic increase in corporate credit spreads and how cross asset linkages impact our outlook for equity markets in the COVID-19 crisis.

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We take a look at currencies in the crisis, examining the expected and more nuanced divergence in global currencies amidst the current market turmoil.

We put the COVID-19 crisis in the context of other historical equity crashes, differentiate between uncertainty and risk and offer our views on the path forward.

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We discuss the unprecedented combination of supply and demand shocks that are affecting the crude oil markets.

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We observe that options markets are clearly indicating we are entering a prolonged period of instability.